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Augustus Leukfeld c. 1803


Date: 1803

Origin: London

Serialnumber: 331

The second half of the 18th century experienced a remarkable boom in piano manufacturing and development in London. This era was characterized by innovations, technical progress and a growing prestige of London’s piano makers worldwide. The piano makers of this time made a decisive contribution to the development of the piano and left a lasting influence on music history. London was, together with Vienna and Paris, one of the main centers of piano making at the time. Many instrument makers from the continent immigrated to England. There were a large number of piano makers in London. In addition to the well-known instrument makers and companies such as John Broadwood, William Stodart, Christopher Ganer and Longman & Broderip, there were also smaller manufacturers and those that had almost been forgotten because only a few instruments were produced or survived. An example of this is the piano maker Ludwig Augustus Leukfeld, whose instruments were made with absolutely high precision and special elegance.

The case of the square piano is made of solid mahogany and richly decorated with inlaid decorative bands and oval cartouches on the keyboard flap and in the extensions of the light wooden legs. The front two corners of the case are rounded. The instrument stands on four turned legs and the lid has two locks decorated with ivory, one of which is only attached for symmetry and has no function. When the lid is half opened, exquisite fretwork covered with green silk is inserted above the strings.

Augustus Leukfeld, London ca. 1803 - Eric Feller Collection (4)

Square Piano by Augustus Leukfeld, London c. 1803 – Eric Feller Collection (Fretwork above the strings)


The keyboard has a compass of 5 ½ octaves (FF – c4), the lower keys are covered with ivory and the upper keys with ebony. The square piano is double strung and has a double action. The hammers are covered with leather. A pedal is used to control the dampers. The nameboard also has exquisite fretwork covered with green silk and bears in a cartouche the signature:


Piano Forte Maker


Tottenham Street

Fitzroy Square


The entire instrument is made of excellent quality and is characterized by precision craftsmanship, high-quality materials and individual elegant design options.

Augustus Leukfeld, London ca. 1803 - Eric Feller Collection (3)

Square Piano by Augustus Leukfeld, London c. 1803 – Eric Feller Collection (Keyboard)


Little is known about Ludwig Augustus Leukfeld. He can be traced back to around 1790 as a piano maker and worked until 1810. Until 1796, he was in a partnership with John Geib (1744 – 1818) for some time. His successor, who took over the company, was Thomas Holmyard, who died in 1841. It can be assumed that Leukfeld was already in a partnership with him in his later lifetime or that Holmyard worked for him. The factory was located at No. 1 Tottenham Street. 27 Fitzroy Square in London.

Trade card of the Piano Factory of Augustus Leukfeld c. 1790 - © The Trustees of the British Museum

Trade card of the Piano Factory of Augustus Leukfeld c. 1790 – © The Trustees of the British Museum


In the collection of the British Museum in London is a trade card from the company. It shows the factory building and sales rooms. In the front we can see workers loading a square piano into a horse-drawn cart for delivery. Looking closely at the instrument, we can see that it has the same shape and inlays as the square piano presented here. Leukfeld’s factory was known for the production of exquisite and elegant square pianos, which could be ordered – like this instrument – with rounded corners. He also built grand and upright pianos, harps and organs, of which none have survived. In addition to the instruments, he also produced oval tables and sideboards (also shown in the picture) for the wealthy London aristocracy. His instruments and furniture had the best reputation and were of excellent quality.

Augustus Leukfeld, London ca. 1803 - Eric Feller Collection (2)

Square Piano by Augustus Leukfeld, London c. 1803 – Eric Feller Collection (case with inlays)


In “The Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Chronicle from July to December 1810” (Volume 108) and in “The Monthly Magazine or British Register” are entries that Augustus Leukfeld died in 1810 (from further announcements in “The London Gazette” probably around November 22, 1810).

Todesanzeige Augustus Leukfeld in The Monthly Magazine 1810

Death notice of Augustus Leukfeld in “The Monthly Magazine 1810



Other surviving instruments from Augustus Leukfeld:

  • c. 1805 (No. 334) – formerly Dr. Andreas Beurmann Collection, Hamburg, Germany
  • 1806 Square Piano (No. 530) – Monart Piano Collection, Colm O’Leary, Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland



Length: 163 cm

Width: 58 cm

Height: 22 cm

Circumference: 5 ½ octaves (FF – c4)

Mechanics: Double Action

Pedals: 1 pedal (dampers)

Signature: "Leukfeld
Piano Forte Maker
Tottenham Street
Fitzroy Square