The Eric Feller Collection preserves a worldwide unique collection of original fortepianos from all periods and regions of piano history. Find here a fine selection of special fortepianos. Further instruments will be added regularly to complete the research on piano history.
instrumentsTangent Pianos
Tangent instruments take a very special place in the development of early keyboard instruments. Only a few are preserved until today. Since the foundation of the Eric Feller Collection the pianist Eric Feller has specialized in these instruments and the collection consist of some extraordinary and unique instruments of this type worldwide. Find here a fine selection of these instruments.
instrumentsSquare Pianos
The square piano was one of the most popular keyboard instruments in the late 18th and early 19th century. A deep passion of Eric Feller for square pianos was one of the main reasons to create a rare collection of square pianos which is worldwide unique. Here you will find a fine selection of particularly interesting instruments. Further instruments will be added regularly to complete the research on square piano history.
Harpsichords are known from the 15th to 18th century. They were used as solo instrument and also in orchestras. Today historic harpsichords are absolutely rare and only a few survived. Find here a fine selection...
The Clavichord is a stringed keyboard instrument which was used as a practice instrument or for composing in the late Medieval, through the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical eras. Find here some selected instruments from the Eric Feller Collection.
During the development of instrument building many unusual instruments were made. Here are some selected extraordinary keyboard instruments.